
Behavioral Health Care Increases +190% for Landmark Patients During Pandemic

Daily behavioral/mental health calls nearly doubled from pre-Covid-19 through April.

The integration of behavioral health has long been a pillar of Landmark’s medical care model.  Poorly managed  mental health or 社会 determinants of health impacts the trajectory and treatment of other chronic diseases, so our encounters have always reached beyond physical healthcare needs to consider the whole patient, 他们的生活方式和环境.

Landmark’s behavioral health providers and 社会 workers connect with patients via telemedicine.


In-home medical care is uniquely positioned to address the 社会 and behavioral needs of patients.

当照顾来到家里, 病人感到安全和舒适的地方, they often open up about topics they may otherwise avoid. 特别是, they’ll often more freely discuss issues of mental health and 社会 determinants of health, which unfortunately persist in carrying a stigma in our society.

除此之外,病人也更放松了, in-home medical models allow for more patient-provider time, 大多数参观时间长达一个小时. This is about 4X the amount of time allotted for a typical office-based doctor’s appointment – time that can be used to explore issues beyond the most pressing physical concerns.



近五分之一的美国人.S. 成年人都患有精神疾病.[1] 为患有严重疾病的老年人, many report facing cognitive and mental-health challenges, 包括健忘(71%), 悲伤和抑郁(56%), 感觉自己是别人的负担(51%), 孤独(48%).[2]

由于目前的大流行, Landmark’s behavioral health team has experienced an increase in referrals regarding patients who report feeling isolated and lonely, 焦虑和抑郁.

“这是艰难的时刻, and our patients are experiencing a range of emotions in response to this new reality,克里斯托弗·丹尼斯说。, MD, Landmark的首席行为现金足球网哪个好官. “然而, 虽然体验这些感觉是可以的, 我们的目标是倾听病人的心声, 帮助他们确定他们的关注点, 制定一个最小化负面情绪的计划, and to provide education about self-management techniques. Medication may also be prescribed, but is often not necessary for all patients.”



Social work is a critical component to addressing complex healthcare needs, especially for minorities and those of lower socioeconomic status.[3] 非医疗社会需求 that impact health often go unmet without 社会 work support, 包括护理协调, 心理现金足球网哪个好咨询, and navigating complex organizational systems of care.3 病人经常在身体上挣扎, 社会, and financial issues that can be addressed through 社会 work services.

目前, Landmark’s 社会 workers are seeing an increased need for delivery of groceries, 药物和其他物品.

“In addition to supporting our patients’ behavioral health needs  through active listening, brief counseling and education regarding self-management techniques, our 社会 workers are actively exploring options available within patients’ support systems and communities to address 社会ization, 粮食不安全和其他基本需求,丽莎·夏纳说, 垃圾, Landmark’s Executive Director of Behavioral Health and Social Work.



While Landmark providers are seeing patients through in-person visits in the home, the behavioral health providers and 社会 workers have shifted primarily to telemedicine (phone and video) during the pandemic. This helps preserve personal protective equipment (PPE) for necessary medical interventions and urgent visits in the home.

These virtual interactions can be a lifeline to someone who’s silently suffering from an unmet need, especially during this time of 社会 distancing and isolation.

Landmark’s behavioral health and 社会 work teams are growing. If you’re looking to make a lasting difference for complex patients – 加入我们. If you or a loved one has a behavioral health concern, remember that you are not alone and reach out to your network – health insurance, 雇主资助的组织, 家人/朋友——或者 查看提示.



[1] http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/mental-illness.shtml

[2] Poll: Family Members Of Older Adults with Serious Illness Are 更多的 Confident That They Know Their Medical Wishes When They Have Written Documents, 2017年11月2日发布- http://www.凯萨.org/disparities-policy/press-release/poll-family-members-of-older-adults-with-serious-illness-are-more-confident-that-they-know-their-medical-wishes-when-they-have-written-documents/.

[3] http://www.ihi.org/communities/blogs/are-社会-workers-missing-from-your-complex-care-teams Are Social Workers Missing from Your Complex Care Teams? IHI Multimedia, Institute for Healthcare Improvement. 2018年6月22日.