
How caregivers can support themselves and those living with Alzheimer’s

Tips and resources to support the millions of U.S. 阿尔茨海默病照顾者

Unpaid caregivers are essential for providing affordable care and independent living options for the 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s every day.

Perhaps someone in your life is a caregiver. People with Alzheimer’s disease are often cared for by family members or friends who step in—for the long or short term—to help someone they love. 的y also provide emotional support and companionship for those living with Alzheimer’s. Most family caregivers learn as they go and aren’t formally trained. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a “caregiver” can be anyone who helps with tasks such as shopping, 付账单, 洗澡, 敷料和管理药物.



这 disease causes an emotional and financial burden on everyone involved, 但是,任何护理人员都不应该单独工作. Free resources, experts, and phone helplines are available across the U.S.

注意事项: 作为照顾者, you don’t have to be an Alzheimer’s expert, but there are experts available on all the topics you have concerns about: wandering, driving, incontinence, speech, stress, nutrition, dressing, sleep,以及更多. Don’t be afraid to reach out to free community resources. 这个资源列表 from the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (阿) can help.

 寻求帮助是可以的: 所有的护理人员都需要休息. Respite refers to a break for caregivers to care for themselves. Respite care can come from professional in-home care, adult care day programs, or family and friends. Contact your patient’s 具有里程碑意义的 care team if you’d like help in finding respite care. 这 CDC建议清单 还能帮你寻求帮助吗.

创造一个安全的生活空间: Simple home layout changes can protect a loved one’s safety and improve their quality of life. 很好的资源 创造一个安全的家庭空间 for someone living with Alzheimer’s include 这是AFA的指南.

Seek out an Alzheimer’s caregiver support group: A strong support system is important for an Alzheimer’s caregiver and 地方和国家资源 网上和电话都有吗. Seeking out a peer group to support you is an act of love and care for both you 和 person you care for.

作为照顾者保持现金足球网哪个好: 阿尔茨海默病照顾者 often neglect their own health or find it hard to care for themselves. If a caregiver’s own health declines, they can’t provide essential care for those relying on them. Don’t forget to tend to your mental and physical health and talk to your doctor about your caregiver role.

Communicate with everyone involved: Speaking openly about Alzheimer’s progression eases the burden for everyone. Family meetings and discussions with primary care providers are essential. 这些策略来自 具有里程碑意义的(阿) 可以成为有用的指南.

制定和维护护理计划: Living with and caring for an Alzheimer’s or dementia patient takes careful planning. Don’t forget to plan for emergencies and natural disasters. Try to update an Alzheimer’s care plan yearly or more often if needed. 的 疾控中心有一个很好的概述 of what to cover and how to create a care plan.

 If you or someone you know could use Alzheimer’s caregiving support or information, reach out to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America via a toll-free helpline at 866-232-8484 or TEXT 646-586-5283 or visit the 阿发网站. You or your caregiver can also contact anyone on your 具有里程碑意义的 care team.



● Alzheimer’s is a progressive dementia disease beginning with mild memory loss. Early and accurate diagnosis is important.
●诊断后, knowing the signs and progressive stages of Alzheimer’s is necessary for every caregiver.
● A person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases with age, but Alzheimer’s disease does not occur naturally as we age. It is different than dementia and can only be diagnosed by a physician.
根据疾控中心, growing evidence shows it may be possible to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by controlling your blood pressure, 定期锻炼, 还有戒烟.
● Today, more than 16 million caregivers provide over 18.5 billion hours of unpaid care in the United States, according to the CDC.