


具有里程碑意义的 在三月庆祝社会工作月. 今年的主题是, “社会工作者是必不可少的.” 社会工作者帮助个人, families and communities address personal and systemic barriers to well-being. Social workers empower people with the knowledge and resources they need to self-direct their lives.


社会工作月期间, we highlight the positive contributions of the profession and celebrate our social workers at 具有里程碑意义的. The following examples show how essential 具有里程碑意义的 social workers are to their communities.


具有里程碑意义的 delivers care to individuals with complex health and psychosocial needs. 玛利亚姆, 堪萨斯城的地标社工, bridged the gap between the medical and social needs for James, 72岁. James was referred to 玛利亚姆 to help him find housekeeping support, but 玛利亚姆’s assessment extended beyond just his surface needs.

James has experienced loss this year with the passing of his son. 玛利亚姆 recommended that James explore behavioral health support for his grief and to help him adjust to being the full-time guardian to his 10-year old grandson. 玛利亚姆 connected James with housekeeping support services and helped him with the local school system to ensure that the support included his grandson as well.



Cindy, a 具有里程碑意义的 social worker in Arkansas, is working with John, age 30, who has quadriplegia. 约翰的母亲是他的主要看护人. John has complex health care needs and the family has complicated psychosocial stressors. Cindy identified financial difficulties for John and his mother that impeded his access to care. 辛迪探索了家庭可用的资源, 比如送餐上门, medication assistance programs and utility assistance. Cindy also recognized that along with John’s health condition and age come behavioral health needs. Cindy explained her concern to his care team to ensure that all aspects of his care were being addressed.


Josephine – Transition to an Assisted Living Facility

Josephine, age 70, was living alone with help from her sister, who lived nearby. Josephine had been hospitalized five times in 2020 and was heading into her third stay at a skilled nursing facility. 丽娜, 俄勒冈州具有里程碑意义的社会工作者, worked with Josephine’s primary care doctor closely as Josephine’s health status began to require a higher level of daily care. During Josephine’s third skilled nursing facility stay, Josephine told the facility staff that she wanted to be discharged back to her home. Josephine’s sister was concerned for her safety living alone without significant support. 丽娜 helped facilitate healthy dialogue between the two sisters while Josephine was still at the skilled nursing facility. 丽娜 assisted in a smooth transition for Josephine to an assisted living facility where she now lives, 感到快乐和支持. 如果不是莉娜及时的工作, 约瑟芬就可以出院回家了, and likely would have ended up back in the hospital in time.



贝蒂, 加州具有里程碑意义的社会工作者, 帮助加里, 57岁, obtain state disability benefits after his claim was denied for no work history. 贝蒂 reviewed the denial and found that Gary’s social security number was off by one number. She wrote a letter on patient’s behalf and the state disability was approved retroactively, 给加里超过12美元,这是他应得的. This is the second time 贝蒂 has been successful in assisting a patient to obtain benefits. The first was related to reimbursement for treatment expenses that should have been covered by health plan benefits. 贝蒂的勤奋, she made a significant difference in these patients’ financial lives, 在大流行期间,哪一种影响特别大.



The 具有里程碑意义的 team of social workers in Western New York demonstrated the importance of social workers during a pandemic. The team supported their community in countless ways. 尽管大流行, they continued to navigate intense family dynamics, advocate on behalf of patients with their medical providers and collaborated with community agencies to ensure they were connected to services and supports. This team of social workers also delivered clothing, 食品储藏室里的东西, 还有酷暑时的空调. The social workers called agencies for resource updates for patients, 帮助经济拮据的病人, 和患有精神疾病的病人一起工作, 身心现金足球网哪个好.

社会工作者是做什么的, 每一天, 无论是在大流行中还是在大流行之外, 是提供同情心, 同理心, 眼泪, 庆祝, 悲伤, 耐心, 听, 牺牲, 承诺, 希望和喜悦.